Alysson Reese, originally from Memphis, Tennessee, lives near a beach with her husband and their four enchanting and spirited children whom she homeschools. Her love of words and their magic was awakened at her grandaddy’s Pontotoc, Mississippi, newspaper office with its smell of ink on still-warm paper and the whirring and clacking of the old-timey printing presses. She is a former classroom teacher known for her challenging, five-paragraph essays and many tea parties. It was her time living and teaching in Devon, England, that led to her hobbitish ways and folksy, imaginative storytelling. The Star Spinner’s Daughter is her first book.
Title by Alysson Reese
Long ago, tales were bound with gravity and held in the confi nes of Earth’s atmosphere. But this story, spun in the cosmos, charts the old stories anew as one young man’s good intentions to save a planet go very wrong, and, with a little creativity and determination, the Star Spinner’s daughter will weave a daring rescue that must not fail.