Barby Barrett-Moran, a lifelong resident of Vermont, lives with her husband, two children, two cats, two dogs, and an African dwarf frog called Bill. She graduated from the University of Vermont with a degree in social work and has been writing stories and sharing them with her family since 2000. In her spare time, Barby enjoys being outdoors, reading, baking, watching British television, and holding family game nights. Kyle the Caterpillar is her first children’s book.

About the Illustrator:
Krista Mashrick was born and raised in Vermont. She lives there with her husband and two cats. After leaving her career in nursing to raise a family, she spent many years drawing for fun with her children and nephews. She has recently gone back to her artistic roots, inspired by her father, to illustrate her sister’s first children’s book.

Title by Barby Barrett-Moran

  • by Barby Barrett-Moran

    Kyle the Caterpillar hatched from an egg and ate
    the shell right away. Then he munched and munched
    and munched on leaves all through the day.

    What else does Kyle do all day? Join the little caterpillar as he leaves home to explore the world, facing danger and surprises along the way. What will be his biggest surprise yet?