Sasha Forman is a 16-year old high school student. In the summer of 2020, Sasha created a program where she taught hoop classes to local children. The grit and determination shown by her young hoopers, in addition to the fun and laughs shared, inspired Sasha to create The Hoop Troop series. She feels grateful to be able to share this experience with her mom, Dana. When Sasha is not writing or hooping, she enjoys reading, acting, and spending time with her family and friends.
As a first grade teacher and lover of children’s literature, it was a dream come true for Dana Forman when her daughter Sasha asked her to co-author The Hoop Troop series. Dana hopes children all over the world will connect with the characters and that it will encourage them all to believe in themselves. Dana loves to spend time with her daughter Sasha, her husband Brett, her son Josh, and take long walks in nature with her dog Daisy.
Titles by Sasha Forman and Dana Mason Forman
The Hoop Troop The More the Merrier
by Sasha Forman and Dana Mason Forman
- Released: February 2024
- Genre: Children's books
When Savannah gets back from a trip to her grandparents’ house, she is shocked to find that her best friend, Hudson, has made a new friend—maybe even a new best friend. Savannah has always valued the saying: “the more the merrier” but she is suddenly challenged with big, new emotions. Will Savannah be able to work through difficult feelings to make room for a new friend? With the help of her babysitter Jazmin, Savannah learns how verbalizing her feelings can help when internal challenges arise.
The Hoop Troop kids are back! Join them as they learn some important lessons in book two of this engaging series.
This inspiring and joyful book marks the launch of a new favorite chapter book series! Discussion guide included.
When the third-grade talent show is announced, Savannah Sage and her best friend Hudson are at a loss for what act to perform. With the help of their 16-year-old babysitter, Jazmin, they learn the art of dancing with a hoop along with the lesson that practice makes progress.
Join Savannah and Hudson for this first adventure in this engaging series and become part of The Hoop Troop!