Title by W. Grey Champion
Ruminata "The Sexual Theory of Everything" and Other Apostasies
by W. Grey Champion
- Released: September 2022
- Genre: Nonfiction
“The world is not ruled by men; it is ruled by sperm.”
From the first sentence of Ruminata: “The Sexual Theory of Everything” and Other Apostasies, author W. Grey Champion sets a tone of contention and invites argument. Reaching out particularly to open and curious minds, whether young or old, Champion gently persuades his readers using carefully chosen words and examples. With refreshing realism, he delineates our intrinsic human nature and its unacknowledged impact on our personal and collective lives.
These collected essays, on themes ranging from questions of life and death to whimsical thoughts on modern art, travel, and clothing fads, have germinated and ripened over the course of a long and introspective life. The author hopes to expose young readers especially to realities that modern life conceals and truths they ought to know.