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Thank you for considering Luminare Press as your possible publishing partner. We want to be fully transparent and make sure you have all the information you need to proceed with your publishing journey.
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Enter the details about your book. We’ll evaluate your information and send you with a complete and custom proposal based on your goals and book type.
Our tool will give you a first estimate of potential costs. By submitting the estimate you are not committing to anything and you’re under no obligation to buy anything. We’ll use the information to generate a proposal and as a base to review your project if you decide to move forward.
FAQ – Common questions, answered
- What’s the difference between Standard and Complex formatting?
Any book that has consistent text flow, uninterrupted by charts, tables, worksheets, lists, subheads, quotes, and/or other unusual text is considered a standard layout. This includes most novels and memoirs. Scene breaks, quotes or datelines at the beginning of chapters, use of italics, and section pages are not considered complex formats.
Here’s a great example of a standard layout. You can see that the text flows consistently with little things like scene breaks and beginning chapter quotes, but no unusual formatting.
Most business books, workbooks, family memoirs or yearbooks, and most image-heavy books fall under complex formatting. Complex formatting requires us to apply multiple styles to sections of text and/or insert graphic elements among the text.
Here are some layouts that required complex formatting.
- Royalties and retail pricing
Does Luminare Press really offer 100% royalties on my book?
Yes, when you publish a book with Luminare Press, you keep 100% of your royalties. We help you set up accounts for printing and publishing, and the royalties are paid directly to you through those accounts.What’s the royalty for a typical book?
The royalty you receive for each book sold depends on three variable factors: the retail price of the book, the sales channel, and the printing cost of the book. Very roughly, if you sell your book for about four times the cost of printing it, your royalty would be about the same as the printing cost, depending on the sales channel.How much do print-on-demand books cost?
Printing costs for books vary, depending on the type of book and the number of pages. For instance, a 250-page black-and-white book, standard size, would cost about $3.85 per copy to print. If the book has a color interior or is hardback, the cost would be significantly higher.Can you help me set the retail price so I’ll know what my royalty is before I publish?
Yes, once we have a page count, when your book layout is close to done, we’ll be able to get a print cost, and from there we’ll discuss your retail price options. You can also watch this short video to calculate how different prices and channels will affect your royaltiesFor a quick overview, take a look at this infographic. For more details about royalties and how to calculate your profits on book sales, visit our general FAQs or our blog post on how to price your book.
- How important is it to get my book edited?
Producing a polished book requires a professional copy edit and meticulous proofreading before the book is printed. Self-published authors often overlook these crucial steps, but as publishing professionals, we know that no matter how good your grammar skills are, you are going to need to have someone else review your work before it is published.
Publishing houses employ an army of copy editors and proofreaders because they understand that no writer has enough distance to proof and correct his or her own work. If you are self-publishing, you need to take the same approach. Your book must be free of errors and stylistically in tune with other books on the market in order for it to be competitive. You can learn more about editing here.
What kind of editing services do you offer?
Luminare offers professional editing services at any level you require. We suggest that, at a minimum, every published author have his or her manuscript copy edited by a professional, and that the final copy be proofread before making the book available for sale.
You’ll be able to select the editing service at the level you want when you create an estimate. - Do you help with marketing when I publish with Luminare Press?
Yes! As part of our core package, we send marketing guides, offer marketing consultations and broadcast your book through our web and social media sites. We also offer a wide range of products to assist you with book marketing.
What’s included in the core package?
- Basic and advanced book marketing offering ideas and suggestions for your book marketing strategy
- Book Marketing Quick Start – A guide to keep you organized and on track with your marketing.
- Free webinar with Sue Campbell of Pages & Platforms. Sue is a professional book marketer who can help you develop a marketing strategy. She also offers coaching and a range of marketing services.
- Displayed for sale in our Luminare Press Bookstore
- Social media announcements (shareable) with purchase links.
- Inclusion in our Luminare Press newsletter.
- Free author page and library listing on Luminare Press website.
- Of course: creating a professional, appealing book, and setting it up for optimal sales and distribution.
What additional services do I have access to?
- Custom marketing materials: We offer both online and print material—such as bookmarks, mailers, press releases, one-sheets, and social media banners. You can see all options here.
- Premium author page upgrade: The standard author page has your book image and description, author photo and bio, and links to purchase. You can upgrade this to a premium, which allows you to customize your page, at any time in the future.
- Author website: We offer custom author websites, which can include blog features, additional books and images, and more.
- Is Luminare Press a traditional publisher?
No, Luminare Press is an hybrid publisher. We don’t buy the rights of your book (you retain 100% ownership of the content) but we help you with the publishing process. Our services include cover and interior design for your book, full support throughout the publishing process, registration and distribution setup for your published book and more. This services are not free, but we don’t make money from your book sales. You are able to buy your books at the cost of printing them, and you keep 100% of your royalties. You can use the estimate builder to have a clear sense of the cost.
- I have already published a book, can you help me with marketing and sales?
No, Luminare Press doesn’t offer marketing services for published book. If you have self-published a book and you need help with marketing we are happy to refer you to our partner Sue Campbell from Pages & Platforms.
For more, you can visit our Faq page.