Giny’s love of travel ignited when at eighteen she and a friend hitchhiked and youth hosteled around Great Britain and Ireland. Her previous memoir, Swimming to Italy was published in 2012. She lives in Eugene, Oregon.

Titles by Virginia Salinsky Landgreen

  • by Virginia Salinsky Landgreen

    Around Italy, 2011–2019 brims with inspiration and tips for turistas and armchair travelers alike. Explore and mature with Bridget and Bruno as they experience Italy’s many pleasures. From the northern lakes to southern Sicily and the heel of the “boot” they uncover little known treasures, a unique countryside wedding, and live la dolce vita!

  • publish your book, self-publishing

    by Virginia Salinsky Landgreen

    This touching memoir chronicles the life of a young women coming of age in the 1960s. After a colorful but conventional upbringing, the author sets off to explore life’s larger adventure, both geographically and spiritually. From a rural cabin in Virginia to single parenting in Oregon to travels abroad, the stories in this book explore personal growth, early childhood education, travel, the arts and love – for family, for place and for life.