by Steven Boergadine

  • Released: November 2023
  • Genre: Novels

It’s 1984 and Father Sam isn’t living in McGuffin Ridge to evangelize, assimilate indigenous people, build a church, or lead Bible lessons—although he gets asked about the Bible pretty often. He’s not one for steeples and stained glass.

Folks around this Appalachian village like Father Sam because he likes them. He’s just a good neighbor who wears a white collar and lives in a log cabin at the end of Main Street. He keeps bees, grows organic herbs, teaches Cherokee kids English, drinks coffee with the old sheriff, and favors the cherry pie at Mabelline’s Cafe.

Then, one day, his age-old trespasses catch up with him, and he must break the laws of man and of God to right the wrong he ran away from in the crazed days of 1960 when he was a stumbling, addicted seminarian.

What this author said about working with us...

What can I say about the ladies of Luminare. Working with them is like being home. I live only a short distance from their main business location, so the good feeling of taking my labors of love (Father Sam is my second novel handled by Luminare) to them is a feel good experience. Highly professional as if they were Madison Avenue, a writer never has to doubt the thorough nature of Luminare's work ethic and consideration for authors who are novice to advanced. The exterior and interior design are usually okay with me at first go-around, but they give you several chances to ask them to tweak this and that. There is no high-pressure upselling going on, but you'd do well to check out their products and services that can be added to your cart, as I always do. Steven Boergadine