Amazing children are popping up in all cultures.
Nine-year-old Benjie wants to be taught The Ageless Wisdom by the ghosts of ancient shamans but would settle for moving spoons around with his mind.
Little Sylvie lives in a mystical place only special ones can find. She sees and understands what others can’t.
Maddie has been labeled autistic. He studies every detail of some inner world but doesn’t find the outer one worth commenting on. He senses darkness rising up.
Tragedy strikes. Mankind is driven to despair. Could this be a global Dark Night of the Soul? Tearing away everything we depend on, making room for something greater?
Near ancient carved walls at archeological sites, and in meetings of hidden societies, legends begin to surface of mysterious, “Elders” guiding us, unseen, through times of great need. Of special little ones leading those who are ready into planetary rebirth.
Some of us won’t make it.
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I have intensely high standards for my books. If I have not reached a point in something I'm writing that it will entertain, uplift spirits, address troubling issues, help to heal old wounds, and change lives, then I don't think it ready to share. Naturally I am equally picky in finding a production team who will carry on with their own eyes for quality. In Luminare I found a set of individuals, each with her own set of superior skills. Their choices in cover design, interior fonts and white spaces, even working with me in rewording my back cover blurb have all been exemplary. They are open, honest, trustworthy, and easy to work with. I have written and published a number of books, but now I have found a publishing team I will stay with for all future projects. Edward Fahey