by James A. Bacca

  • Released: March 2021
  • Genre: Novels

When gunfire erupts during his pre-dawn run, AJ Conti finds himself ambushed by private insurgents. Despite being wounded, he kills one of the attackers and retrieves his cell phone.

Kenny Love, AJ’s long-time friend and a former high-tech detective, is in danger. Kenny’s new employer, A-Ray Corporation, is under attack—one person at a time.

The wife of the CEO of A-Ray’s only competing corporation provides a hit list to retired Lt. Colonel Harbaugh, whose legitimate private investigations company, PIs, is a cover for private insurgent subversive activities.

AJ deduces the link between bodies found in different jurisdictions that agencies fail to see. With Kenny’s understanding of and access to high-tech equipment, they have a chance to level the playing field.

The race is on to find the remaining insurgents before becoming casualties.

What this author said about working with us...

I have worked with Luminare Press for five novels now, plus one translated in Italian. They have been so responsive and easy to work with I can't imagine not working with them on my future novels. Melissa has helped me produce wonderful covers which I receive complements on all the time. Kim has always been there when I needed something, explained the process, and made sure I felt comfortable with the end product. And Patricia, she has always been so positive and easy to work with, as well as providing guidance on important aspects such as how to word something to better grab the reader. Overall, I can't say enough about the wonderful people at Luminare. Thank you all for your great service and caring attitudes. James A. Bacca