by George Tsakumis

In The Black Line Blues, a swim coach is at a crossroads after a tumultuous season. Should he keep coaching or make a career change? When the coach’s mentor, Coach C, pays a surprise visit, he dives deep into a conversation about the doubts and difficulties he and his team faced during the most recent season. During their time together, the coach overcomes a case of the “black line blues,” and is reminded of what matters most both on and off the pool deck.

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Luminare Press is great! Everyone that works there is professional, courteous, and attentive to all of your needs. The entire process is seamless, from the kick-off meeting with Patricia to the details work leading up to publication (with professionals like Kim, Caitlin, Nina, Melissa, and Sallie, you can't go wrong!). An outstanding team that provides high quality service at a reasonable price. I highly recommend Luminare Press! George Tsakumis