In this era of polarization, the existing divide between environmental concerns and economic growth offers no exception to the polarity we face elsewhere. Many of today’s environmental problems are manageable and even solvable, but the conflicts remain difficult to resolve when viewed through unyielding differing perspectives.
In Turning it Around, A Renewed Environmental Model of Health and Prosperity, author Kathleen L. Dallaire, Ph.D. promotes a renewed environmental model of healthy conditions and prosperity as a common goal—one that works well in the communities in which we play a part and have a voice.
The pollution-related environmental story is told from a balanced non-accusatory perspective, using neutral language, focusing on current facts and case studies, and emphasizing strategies for resolving conflicts. An overview of basic legal rights and a community questionnaire are offered to facilitate effective public participation. We are called upon to be watchful, informed, and involved citizens to achieve a common goal of healthy and prosperous communities.