by Gloria Gardner

Wouldn’t it be a surprise to find out that animals have Halloween parties and games and treats, too?
Halloween is so much fun!
Lots of costumes and jack-o’-lanterns and spooky surprises and trick-or-treats. But we aren’t the only ones who enjoy this frightfully good holiday!
Come along with four special insect friends and find out what they discover when they venture to the Spiders’ Halloween Party and join in with many other guests, all gathered together to have fun.
Get ready for a surprise!

What this author said about working with us...

It has been my extreme pleasure to discover the professional services of Luminare Press, which served to guide me through the publication process for my first four storybooks for children. Beginning with an informative phone conference with Patricia Marshall, the owner, I received an understanding of the basic guidelines, as well as answers to my initial questions. Following this introduction, I began to work with Kim Harper-Kennedy, the highly qualified Operations Manager and with Melissa Thomas, the Graphic Designer, whose work is so valuable. Additionally, I had a chance to have the helpful input of Caitlin McCrum, Publication Assistant. Everyone on the staff was of the highest caliber. Throughout my experience with Luminare Press, my questions were always answered promptly, and guidelines were presented that helped me navigate new territory. Luminare Press is well established and is of notable assistance to the writer. As an author, I am proud to announce my strong devotion to Luminare Press and my sincere respect for their business! Gloria Gardner